Others Who Have Found Their Way Here

The Purpose Of This Blog

This blog has been started to try and bring together as much information as possible on the alloy engine pre-unit Triumphs.
From the early GP500 through to the last Tiger 100s and Trophies, including the low production exotica that was also produced.
Any comments, corrections or stuff for inclusion will be gratefully received.

Please contact britishironworks(at)aol(dot)com

Jonnies Triumphs

Sunday, 27 October 2013

1955 Tiger 100R

1955 T100R originally raced by Dave Becker at Daytona in 1956 and the Spring field mile.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

1949 Triumph GP500

Thanks Laurent

Laurent sent this picture of  Bolton dealer Sylvanus (Syl) Anderton aboard his '49 GP500.
The bike looks factory fresh in this picture, but it competed in the 1949 and '50 TTs

Monday, 14 October 2013

1951 TR5 For Sale

Matching numbers 1951 TR5 available to buy now on e-Bay in the UK.

Not cheap, but they never are!